easyTymp Screening


easyTymp Basic / Plus*

Handheld Middle Ear Analyzer for Fast Tympanometry
Fast, portable, easy — our handheld easyTymp performs accurate tympanometry and ipsilateral reflex tests within seconds. easyTymp is not only fast it also eases the process of screening for all professionals: the device automatically increases the intensity of the four frequencies of the ipsilateral reflex test until it detects a reflex or reaches the maximum. With these automatic tests, even first-time users will get the most accurate results.

Features at a glance:

Very fast and reliable impedance measurements
Probe tone 226 Hz, optional high frequency probe tone 1 kHz
Reflex frequencies 500 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz, 4 kHz (ipsilateral, contralateral with Plus Version*)
Automatic tests – self-explanatory to use
Full color, high resolution display
Stores more than 1000 measurements
Optional Printer
Optional MAICO Sessions PC Software

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